About Environmental Protection

Geographical environment

Changhua County is located in central Taiwan, bordering the Dadu River to the north, Taichung City, Nantou County, and the Jhioshuei River are to the south, and Yunlin county is also nearby. To the east is Baqua Mountain. and the Taiwan Strait is to the west. Changhu County covers an area of about 1,074,000,000m2, with a population of about 1.278 million.


Considering the issues of disasters brought by extreme weather, ecological protection, carbon reduction, and more have been receiving attention from various countries worldwide, Taiwan (R.O.C.) is facing increasing serious environmental protection. It is important for us to promote environmental protection and other environmental issues. On September 19, 1988, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Changhua County was established upon the order of the Taiwan Provincial Government. Being a first level institution affiliated with the Changhua County Government, there were 3 sections and 1 office, with an authorized complement of 38 staff members only. After a series of reformations, now, it has 8 sections and 3 offices, with an authorized complement of 89 staff members.

Environmental conditions

The major rivers in Changhua County are the old Jhuoshuei River, Yuanlin Canal, Fanya Canal, and Yangjichu River. The irrigation ducts of Babao Canal cover the whole county. According to the statistics at the end of November 2018, there were 10,636 factories in Changhua County and 10 major industrial and science parks, including Changhua Coastal Industrial Park (Shengang, Lunwei, and Lukang), Quanxing, Pitou, Fuxing, Fanyuan, Tianzhong, Beidou, and Erlin Park of Central Taiwan Science Park. Animal rearing is developing prosperously in Changhua, ranked as the 3rd pig rearing county in Taiwan. Moreover, it is also a major chicken and duck rearing county. All these bring heavy burdens to the environment.


Since its establishment, the Environmental Protection Bureau, Changhua County has maintained its enthusiasm in serving people and protecting the environment professionally. With environmental protection management mechanisms, contamination controls, effective recycling of resources, and encouragement of green production, we provide county folks with a quality environment by constructing a sustainable home. The bureau’s measures are as follow:

  • Endeavor in the prevention and maintenance of air pollution to promote air quality and protect the air quality we inhale.
  • Promote water quality protection and maintain ecological river functions to provide better and safer drinking water to people.
  • With the goal of “source reduction and resource recycling”, we advocate green production and recycle and reuse resources effectively.
  • Control major development projects with an environmental evaluation mechanism to protect the environment and develop the economy, achieving the ultimate goal of sustaining development.
  • Hold environmental seminars and educational promotion sessions, we promote people’s environmental action forces with the communication of knowledge and the cultivation of attitudes.
  • We control all possible contaminations actively, including air pollution control, noise pollution control, water contamination control, soil pollution control, water resource protection, drinking water testing, waste management, toxic chemical waste management, and more to provide county folks a comfortable and clean-living environment. Constructing a low carbon and sustainable home, it endeavors to promote the people's quality of living.